Dental Implants

When your tooth just cannot be saved, you’ll want to replace the damaged tooth with a new prosthetic one. But first, you must have something to serve as a foundation for your new tooth, and that is provided in the form of a dental implant.

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, over 3 million Americans benefit from dental implants, and the number only continues to grow with each day. The procedure involves a simple, in-office surgery, where a titanium post is placed into the jawbone. Dr. Murchie and his team are highly trained, with advanced education specifically in the dental implant procedure. Rest assured, you will be cared for by a professional and compassionate team.

A dental implant mimics a healthy tooth root and is strong enough to support any number of restorative procedures, like crowns, bridges, or dentures. Once the implant is secured within the bone, a connecting piece known as an abutment fastens the implant to your new crown. Over time, your implant naturally fuses with the existing bone, becoming a part of your actual bone.

A dental implant is a preferred method for tooth replacement because Dr. Murchie can address the needs of a single tooth without impacting any of the surrounding teeth in your mouth. With the ability to limit the procedure to a single tooth, your other teeth remain intact, reducing the need for any additional dental work or expense.

There are other benefits you receive from dental implants, too:

  • Better speech, especially when compared to other solutions, like dentures, which often slip and move
  • Improved eating and drinking, with none of the embarrassing slips that come with dentures.
  • Unsurpassed comfort, because they become a part of your natural bone
  • A dental implant allows for brand-new pearly whites that are custom-designed to your exact preferences

Real Patients Real Results
Before and After Results of Our Patients

We utilize state-of-the-art technology, to include digital imaging that provides our team with a clear portrait of all that lay beneath the surface, out of view. This enables us to pinpoint the precise location for the implant application.

Although implants are one of the most intensive restorative procedures, they do deliver some of the best results, because the implant becomes a part of your natural bone. An implant, when affixed properly, will give new life to your entire tooth.

Dr. Murchie explains how to care for yourself after having a Dental Implant placed.

Dr. Murchie explains how to care for yourself after having a Dental Implant placed.

This is Dr. Mechi Aland Dentistry. I want to give you some instructions on what to expect after having a dental implant placed. It’s normal to experience soreness around the area of numbing and where the dental implant was placed. Make sure you take your prescribed medications and over the counter vitamin C to help promote healing. Don’t brush and floss in the area of the implant until your follow-up appointment. The first six weeks are critical for proper bone healing for six weeks. Avoid chewing on the implant area and water picking in the area to maximize your healing. Avoid nuts, chips, sticky and spicy foods. And if you have pain or swelling, contact our office or our after hour on call doctor to best receive your care. Thank you.

Placing a crown on a dental implant abutment

Placing a crown on a dental implant abutment

Hey, this is Dr. Mechi Gu from Dentistry. I hope you’re well. One of the things we love to do, and we love to serve our patients is with dental implants. And I want to show you how once the implant is in place, how we actually put the teeth on the implants. So we’ve got these little set of a bunch of different screwdrivers. Every different implant system has a different size on their screwdriver, and we’re using an implant system that goes in right here. And what happens, this little thing’s called an abutment.

This is a screw. And what we do is we put the abutment on the implant, screw this in place with a little bit of, and then the crown goes over top, and then we fill that little, there’s a little hole in there. Right now we have not given this to our patient yet, but we’ll fill that with some filling material so you can’t see it. But this is called the crown. This part right here is called the abutment, and that’s the abutment and the screw go into the implant, which is this little green screw area there. So that’s called the dental implant crown and abutment.
Thank you.

Dental implants are a safe and proven method for addressing tooth loss, especially when you can benefit from Dr. Murchie’s extensive experience and expertise!

Are you thinking about dental implants? Call us for an appointment!

Implant Steps & Process For Patients

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Implant Steps and Process for patients 002