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Oct 15

Preventative dentistry is all about taking action to keep your child’s smile safe before any problems start. When you set up a strong base of preventative care, you can lower the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other dental issues. This approach not only protects your child’s oral health but also helps them build good […]

Oct 27

Are you looking for a permanent solution for your missing teeth? If so, you have come to the right place. Dental implants from Goochland Dentistry are the next best thing to your natural teeth. These teeth replacements are surgically inserted in the jawbone, offering a permanent, solid, and life-looking solution to tooth loss, regardless of […]

Oct 27

Whitening the teeth is a fast way to boost brilliance and beauty. However, patients considering our professional whitening treatments at Goochland Dentistry in place of drugstore options often have many questions about what they can expect before, during, or even after their whitening treatments. Some of these questions include: These are all valid questions and […]

Oct 06

Goochland Dentistry uses the Invisalign system to straighten teeth comfortably and conveniently. Many patients love Invisalign for its discreteness. Furthermore, the aligners are detachable, allowing you to remove them when eating or cleaning your teeth.  While Invisalign aligners have numerous benefits, many patients are concerned about whether the treatment affects speech. Our Invisalign-Certified dentist, Dr. […]

Oct 06

Keeping your teeth healthy involves more than brushing and flossing. If you or your loved one has certain genetic disorders or “hard-to-reach” spots in the mouth, it can be difficult to ward off cavities despite your optimal oral hygiene. In such cases, you need dental sealants to keep your cavity-prone teeth decay-free. Dental sealants are […]

Sep 12

Overcrowded or overlapping teeth aren’t just about your appearance — a misaligned smile makes it challenging to clean your teeth, putting you at risk of cavities and gum disease. And not only that. An uneven bite can affect your eating and speaking ability and result in health complications like bruxism and TMJ disorder. The good […]

Sep 12

Brushing and flossing prevent cavities, decay, and other oral diseases. But sometimes, you can’t always be thorough with your oral hygiene when you miss some spots in your teeth, plaque, and tartar build in, triggering dental decay. If your teeth are at risk of cavities, there’s yet another preventive measure you can add to your […]

Apr 11

Say goodbye to painful and unattractive metal braces that are uncomfortable and bulky, and cut your teeth and gums, and welcome a new, virtually invisible, pain-free orthodontic solution you and your teenager will love. Drs. Peter Murchie, Rachele Gillespie, and the team at Goochland Dentistry recommend Invisalign® for adults and teens in Manakin-Sabot, Virginia, who […]

Dec 05

Missing teeth can be embarrassing, causing edentulous patients to live an insecure life. Moreover, spaces created with missing teeth can cause numerous problems, including bite misalignment and diminished chewing and speaking ability. If you had enough of your tooth loss, it’s time to consider dental implants in Manakin-Sabot, Virginia. Goochland Dentistry offers high-quality dental implants […]